For most of us, the thought of
appearing in court before a black-robed priest sends cold shivers down
our spine. No one wants to be
into their courts. The entire court system is evil. Its objective is to
destroy human life and human souls. Courts are the gateway to hell.
You're not looking at the pearly gates. Oh, no. The pearly gates are
made up of forgiveness and love and kindness. But the gates of hell are
made up of judgment and punishment and destruction. That's what the
courts are - the synagogues of Satan.
Most of us are scared of the power of the courts. But there is a way to defuse the courts and render them harmless. When you "defuse" a bomb, you remove the plug so that it can't blow up and destroy anything. That's what we're going to do with the courts. We're going to defuse their power and render them harmless.
Let's look at the trial of Jesus at Matthew, Chapter 26. Here is a court system very similar to the courts of today. That court system convicted and sentenced to death our Lord and Messiah. Their procedures judged our King guilty of death. To this day, many people put their faith in the wicked court system. We must realize the court system is not a Divine institution. God would not divide His own house. These courts are the works of the devil. The works of the devil crucified our Lord.
The devil had no power to do this unless it was given from the Almighty. And why was that power given? To demonstrate that the court system from the beginning was not of God. And to show that man is so blind that he judges the most perfect man worthy of death. The Father instructs us through His Son to put away those courts.
Do you remember the woman caught in the very act of adultery? (John, Chapter 8)) She was brought before a type of court. The scribes and Pharisees were the prosecutors and they brought her before Jesus to be the judge. They argued that Moses commanded that such a woman should be stoned. But they wanted to know how this new King Jesus would respond.
Verse six reveals their evil intent. They were tempting him, that they might accuse Him. Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground as if he had not heard them. Finally Jesus said, "He that is without sin among you, cast the first stone." Jesus was putting them on trial first. If they wanted to judge her, then they needed to be on trial first. The scribes and Pharisees must have been outraged. "Hey, she didn't pay the full penalty of the law." But, they left her alone because their lives were also in sin.
The woman caught in adultery illustrates that man must not judge, because he himself is guilty. All men are guilty. Who are we to judge another man?
The courts judge and condemn man. Jesus forgives and saves man. Then He tells us to "go and sin no more."
folks exalt the courts and hold them in awe. But the courts are not
saving lives, they are destroying them. You cannot expect to get
justice from an institution that promotes sin.
There is a wickedness that the courts do every day. They grant divorces for every cause. Jesus says that Moses' law granted divorce "because of the hardness of their hearts, but from the beginning it was not so." God's way is one man, one woman, until death do they part. And if a man or a woman divorces and marries again, they shall be called adulterers or adulteresses. And anybody who marries someone who has been divorced is an adulterer or adulteress (Matthew, Chapter 19, Luke 16:18).
Yet every single day in those courtrooms, men pull apart what God has joined together. The courts are granting divorces against the Word of God. They are filthy home wreckers! "What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder!" No man on the face of the earth can pull apart what God has joined together through holy matrimony.
Study the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Chapters 5 through 7) and look at how Jesus defuses the courts. Without judging, without oaths, without vengeance and without lawsuits, there are no courts. They have no fuses left. They cannot explode. When you realize the courts are not of God, they lose their power to terrorize us.
The courts are condemned because they are in direct disobedience to Jesus Christ. They are not sitting in God's seat. They are doing the works of their Father the devil.
If we obeyed Jesus, there would be no courts. If there were no courts, can you imagine what would become of attorneys? The attorneys would have no jobs. They would have no work to do. There would be no cases to present in court. If you pull out the fuses from the courts, then it also pulls the fuses out of the attorneys. Judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys would all become history.
Quit financing them. Quit paying them homage. Quit worshiping the beast. Quit worshiping Babylon. Come out. Wake up. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Come into the Kingdom of Heaven where Jesus Christ is Lord, where all is forgiveness of sins and where every man's life and soul can be saved.